Adoptive, foster, and kinship families need current, up-to-date education to build a strong family. Our courses are:

  • Engaging
  • Affordable
  • Fully mobile-friendly
  • Expert-based
  • Trauma-Informed
  • Hague-aligned

The Creating a Family audio courses are conversational, offering families the opportunity to hear a true national expert address the topics parents care about. They include New York Times bestselling authors, leading researchers, adoption-competent therapists, pediatricians, and others who have meaningful wisdom to impart for the foster & adoption journey. 

No more power-point, and no more talking heads reading from a pre-written script.

Courses Taken


Parent Training

Our online learning platform offers a variety of courses designed to satisfy pre-adoption home study requirements for families adopting domestically or internationally and the in-service training needs of foster families. Save 40% on our learning packages.

Social Workers (CE)

Creating a Family is approved as a provider for social work continuing education by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) #886829466.

Interactive Training & Support Group Curricula

Expert-based, trauma-informed parent support group curricula with everything you need to run a high-quality online or in-person foster, adoptive, or kinship parent support group. Each Parent Support Group Curriculum covers a different topic relevant to foster, adoptive, and kinship parenting and comes with a video, facilitator guide, handouts, additional resource guide, and certificate of attendance (for foster parent CE).

FREE Courses

Made available through the support of
Jockey Being Family®

Discover courses to support adoptive, foster, and kinship families.

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